Corporate climate action must be ambitious, science-aligned and high-integrity.

Australia could lead the way globally with ambitious, high-integrity net zero standards and regulation.

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The benchmark for corporate climate action is too low. Voluntary net zero pledges of Australian businesses are self-regulated, awash with inconsistencies and reporting issues, and often a vehicle for greenwashing.

We want to close the integrity gap between business rhetoric and action through higher standards and science-aligned regulations.

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Advocate for globally aligned science-based net zero targets

Campaign for mandatory transition planning and enforceable net zero standards that are high-integrity and science-based

Climate Integrity will push for high standards to align policymakers, regulators and businesses on the journey to zero emissions.

Increase accountability by influencing government regulation

Long-term accountability can only be secured through new government policies and regulation that increase integrity in business net zero pledges.

Climate Integrity advocates for Australia to build a world-leading corporate net zero policy and regulatory system.

Campaign to end problematic carbon offsetting

Tackle false solutions in net zero action by advancing research and communications on the feasible role of carbon dioxide removal in the transition.

Climate Integrity will reducing the social license for businesses using offsets in place of achievable emissions reductions.

Tackle corporate disinformation in net zero action

Hold companies and industry associations to account for initiating or spreading climate disinformation.

Climate Integrity will use research to understand the sources of climate disinformation to raise public awareness and hold fake actors to account, and contribute to the campaign for increase alignment between business net zero pledges and lobbying activity.

Increase integrity in the national conversation with new expert voices

Support leading climate and transparency experts to champion best practices in transition planning, and seek to build consensus around high integrity, science-aligned standards.

Climate Integrity will support an Expert Network to contribute to the national conversation on business net zero action and build support for Australia to become a high integrity net zero regulatory environment.

Reduce social license for greenwashing

Reduce social license for greenwashing and false solutions via a research-based communications campaign that highlights recurring problems and holds companies to account.

Climate Integrity will use messaging and research to make the case for higher standards to combat greenwashing. This can also provide an independent platform for businesses meeting a high standards to demonstrate leadership.

Climate Integrity is advancing the call for credible, ambitious policy benchmarks for corporate net zero pledges and transition plans that raise the bar on business action, reduce greenwashing, combat the misuse of offsets and influence new binding regulations – ultimately contributing to faster and fairer emissions reductions and restoring public trust in climate action.