About Us

Our purpose is to close the corporate climate integrity gap in Australia, by championing science, transparency, accountability and justice in the transition to zero emissions.

Wind turbine

Climate Integrity’s team is guided by an Expert Network who contribute to strategy and impact.

Claire Snyder


Founding Director, Climate Integrity

Claire launched Climate Integrity after working at the intersection of climate change, public opinion and politics for over 15 years.

  • During the 2022 Federal Election campaign, she was part of the startup team for Climate 200 and the Head of Communications and Research.

    She helped launch up the Climate Council in 2013, leading their fundraising, engagement, and community teams to help build one of Australia's leading climate organisations.

    As a strategy consultant, she has worked deeply with more than 20 leading for-purpose organisations, including on the merger of the Environmental Defenders Offices, and as a climate strategist with Purpose, Oxfam, 350.org & Wilderness Society.

Sam Blake


Impact Director, Climate Integrity

Sam is Climate Integrity’s Impact Director and an experienced strategy, campaigns and advocacy specialist.

  • She led the Australian Greens’ No More Coal & Gas campaign which drove huge supporter growth around the country and was the backbone of the Greens’ climate campaign at the last federal election.

    At change.org she worked with over 50 organisations to grow their impact, develop & test new fundraising streams, and deepen supporter engagement.

    Prior to working on climate, she advised of non-profits in the health sector. With an ability to bring together leading thinkers, practitioners, and policymakers around a common goal she has led the development of policy and advocacy work that resulted in policy improvements and increased sector funding.

Chris Cooper


Corporate Accountability Director, Climate Integrity

Cooper is our Corporate Accountability Director, bringing experience in advocacy, strategy and disinformation.

  • Cooper has 15 years of experience designing and executing advocacy and communications strategies to enable social, cultural and policy change at the intersections of disinformation, democracy, development, climate change and public health.

    He co-founded and ran the APAC operations of Purpose, a global social impact agency. And more recently founded Reset.Tech Australia, an independent, non-partisan policy think tank working to drive public policy, new research, and civic engagement to tackle threats to democracy.

    Cooper has deep experience working cross-culturally in participatory methodologies that enable marginalised communities to self-advocate and design their own progress and has worked in in East Africa, South Asia, Asia-Pacific, the United States, Europe and Australia.

Kirsty Ruddock


Managing Lawyer Safe Climate, Environmental Defenders Office

Kirsty is an experienced climate lawyer and litigator, representing and advising clients on a range of environmental law issues.

  • She has considerable experience in regulatory investigations, prosecutions and civil enforcement cases, particularly in the environmental and consumer law area.

    She has worked in senior Government enforcement roles, including as the Director of the Water Enforcement Taskforce with the NSW Natural Access Resources Regulator, Director of Compliance and Investigations at the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Director of Enforcement Group for ACCC.

    She previously worked as Principal Solicitor at EDO NSW and EDO NQ and holds degrees in law and arts from the Australian National University.

Dr Kate Dooley


Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne

Kate is a Research Fellow in the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with current research focus on the political economy of land based climate mitigation.

  • Kate has policy expertise on forest governance, climate change and carbon accounting and her research focusses on the intersection of forest governance and climate policy.

    Kate has published on rights-based approaches to ecosystem restoration, the politics of forest carbon accounting, and land-use for sustainable development.

    Her current research looks at the political economy of land based climate mitigation and how competing ideas about land use are institutionalised in carbon accounting practices.

Prof. Joo-Cheong Tham


Director at The Centre for Public Integrity & Professor at Melbourne Law School

Joo-Cheong has expertise in labour law and public law. His research has examined regulation, democracy, and the climate crisis.

  • Joo-Cheong’s labour law research focusses on the regulation of precarious work.

    His doctoral thesis examined the legal precariousness of casual employment and he has a significant body of work on migrant labour; he has also researched labour protection under trade agreements. His public law research centres upon law and democracy with a particular emphasis on the role of money in politics.

    Since the 2019 student climate strikes, Joo-Cheong has increasingly orientated his research towards the climate crisis.

Tamara Inkster-Draper


Acting Director in the International Climate Politics Hub (ICPH), European Climate Foundation

Tamara is the Acting Director in the ICPH team working to increase global climate ambition through international collaboration.

  • Tamara supports the ICPH’s mission to increase global climate ambition by helping to coordinate a diverse network of actors around a political strategy.

    Prior to joining ECF in August 2018, Tamara worked for the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership’s (CISL) Policy team. Here her work supported the transition to a sustainable, zero-carbon economy through engagement with business, governments, policymakers, and other experts.

    Tamara holds a PhD from James Cook University, Australia, where her research looked at the impacts of climate change on tropical biodiversity.

Alison Atherton


Program Lead, Business, Economy & Governance, Institute for Sustainable Futures

Alison is a Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures examining how the businesses finance sector can contribute to climate action.

  • Alison has a background in social sciences, chartered accountancy audit and advisory, and over a decade of experience in sustainability research and consultancy.

    The consistent theme underpinning her research is organisational and societal change for sustainability. Alison is particularly interested in understanding how businesses and the finance sector can support achievement of the Paris Climate Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals through responsible investment and corporate sustainability.

    Prior to joining ISF, Alison worked for KPMG on corporate sustainability and prior to that, she worked for the UK leading sustainable development organisation Forum for the Future.

Harriet Kater


Strategic Adviser, Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility

Harriet is works with institutional investors to drive the largest listed emitters to establish science-aligned strategy.

  • Prior to joining ACCR, Harriet worked for nearly two decades across environmental NGOs and in the private sector consulting to ASX-listed clients in the oil and gas, mining, chemicals and retail industries on climate and energy strategies.

    She also worked with Indigenous Business Australia in a renewable energy portfolio management role.

    Her work at ACCR involves working with institutional investors to drive the largest listed emitters to establish science-aligned strategy.

    Harriet grew up on a sheep and cattle property in far southern NSW during severe drought. This compelled her to work in climate change from early in her career.

Dr Wesley Morgan


Research Associate, Institute for Climate Risk & Response at UNSW

Wesley is a research associate with the the Institute for Climate Risk & Response at UNSW and the Australian Climate Accountability Project at the Australian Human Rights Institute at UNSW. He is also a fellow at the Climate Council and a research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute (Griffith University).

  • Dr Wesley Morgan is a research associate with the Institute for Climate Risk & Response at UNSW.

    He has written widely on climate change, and international relations in the Pacific islands. His research considers the ways countries work together at the UN to tackle climate change, and integrate climate change into their foreign policy and national security strategies.

    Wesley also has over a decade’s experience living and working in the Pacific islands, where he worked as Pacific Policy Advisor with Oxfam, and taught postgraduate courses in diplomacy at the University of the South Pacific.

    Wesley’s research considers the impacts of climate change on Australia and Pacific island countries, and the international context for Australian climate policy.

    Wesley is a research associate with the Australian Climate Accountability Project at the Australian Human Rights Institute at UNSW.

    He is also a fellow at the Climate Council and a research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute (Griffith University).

Our Supporters

Climate Integrity receives administrative support from Climate Action Network Australia and has received philanthropic seed funding from funders and foundations including:

Our Vision

Business climate action is transparent, accountable and accelerating rapidly in line with the science of 1.5 degrees.

Our Principles

Championing science, accountability, transparency and justice in the transition to zero emissions